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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550620


El estudio versa sobre el desarrollo de habilidades deportivas en estudiantes con necesidades educativas intelectuales, en la clase de Educación Física inclusiva; sus manifestaciones y limitaciones empíricas en una institución educativa ecuatoriana y la búsqueda de una explicación al problema científico, a través de una propuesta para su solución. Se declaró como objetivo diseñar una estrategia pedagógica inclusiva para el desarrollo de habilidades deportivas en estudiantes con necesidades educativas intelectuales, durante la clase de Educación Física. La investigación tuvo un enfoque cualitativo-cuantitativo, no experimental, de tipo descriptivo-explicativo y transversal, se empleó un muestreo no probabilístico, intencional y estratificado, con 32 estudiantes de 10mo año, de ellos, cuatro con necesidades educativas intelectuales y el docente de Educación Física; se utilizó el enfoque sistémico estructural-funcional en el diseño de una estrategia pedagógica inclusiva; así como, la observación y la entrevista para caracterizar el estado actual del objeto de investigación. Se consultó a un grupo de profesionales para la determinación de la pertinencia de la estrategia, mediante la técnica del grupo nominal, los que arribaron a la conclusión que la propuesta es pertinente y aplicable en la práctica pedagógica inclusiva.

O estudo trata do desenvolvimento de habilidades esportivas em alunos com necessidades educacionais intelectuais, na aula de Educação Física inclusiva; suas manifestações e limitações empíricas em uma instituição educacional equatoriana e a busca de uma explicação para o problema científico, por meio de uma proposta para sua solução. O objetivo foi elaborar uma estratégia pedagógica inclusiva para o desenvolvimento de habilidades esportivas em alunos com necessidades educacionais intelectuais durante a aula de Educação Física. A pesquisa teve uma abordagem qualitativa-quantitativa, não experimental, descritivo-explicativa e transversal, foi utilizada uma amostragem não probabilística, intencional e estratificada, com 32 alunos do 10º ano, quatro deles com necessidades educacionais intelectuais e o professor de Educação Física; a abordagem sistêmica estrutural-funcional foi utilizada na concepção de uma estratégia pedagógica inclusiva; bem como observação e entrevista para caracterizar o estado atual do objeto de pesquisa. Um grupo de profissionais foi consultado para determinar a relevância da estratégia, utilizando a técnica de grupo nominal, que concluiu que a proposta é relevante e aplicável na prática pedagógica inclusiva.

The study deals with the development of sports skills in students with intellectual educational needs, in the inclusive Physical Education class; its manifestations and empirical limitations in an Ecuadorian educational institution and the search for an explanation to the scientific problem, through a proposal for its solution. The objective was declared to design an inclusive pedagogical strategy for the development of sports skills in students with intellectual educational needs, during the Physical Education class. The research had a qualitative-quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive-explanatory and transversal approach, non-probabilistic, intentional and stratified sampling was used, with 32 10th grade students, four of them with intellectual educational needs and the Education teacher Physical; the structural-functional systemic approach was used in the design of an inclusive pedagogical strategy; as well as observation and interview to characterize the current state of the research object. A group of professionals was consulted to determine the relevance of the strategy, using the nominal group technique, who came to the conclusion that the proposal is relevant and applicable in inclusive pedagogical practice.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(1): e004, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529763


Resumo Introdução: A violência sexual é um grave problema na sociedade brasileira cujas repercussões no âmbito da saúde pública tornam imperativa a abordagem dessa questão no contexto da formação das suas profissões. Igualmente, a integralidade do cuidado destinado às pessoas em situação de violência sexual requer a atuação conjunta de diversas profissões, além da integração em rede e articulação de diferentes equipamentos sociais. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo reconhecer quais competências - entendidas como o conjunto de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes - são necessárias para o desenvolvimento do cuidado integral destinado às pessoas em situação de violência sexual, segundo os melhores padrões de qualidade e segurança para a saúde delas. Método: Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo de caráter exploratório e descritivo que envolveu a aplicação de um formulário prévio sobre os conhecimentos acerca das competências, seguido da dinâmica da construção da figura humana, que consiste na confecção de um boneco no qual os conhecimentos estariam representados pela cabeça, as habilidades pelos membros e as atitudes pelo corpo, na realização de uma oficina com 76 participantes de diferentes profissões. Adicionalmente, aplicou-se um questionário a 32 profissionais com reconhecida expertise na área de violência sexual e com experiência prática no atendimento às pessoas nessa situação. Foi empregada a análise temática categorial. Resultado: Identificaram-se desafios a serem superados nas três dimensões constituintes das competências, com nítida deficiência de conhecimentos para a atuação em rede visando à efetividade e à integralidade do cuidado. Reconheceram-se 15 competências comuns aos profissionais que lidam com a violência, e o produto final foi representado num infográfico de disposição radial com a organização dos conhecimentos, das habilidades e das atitudes identificados como necessários para o desenvolvimento de tais competências. Conclusão: Reconhecer competências comuns e identificar, separadamente, quais conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes as constituem representa estratégias promotoras da abordagem transversal desses conteúdos na formação das profissões, sobretudo da saúde. A proposição de uma matriz de competências comuns para prática interprofissional no cuidado destinado às pessoas em situação de violência sexual pode orientar a qualificação desse cuidado e alicerçar a interprofissionalidade em cenários cruciais de atuação coletiva para o enfrentamento da flagrante injustiça social que a violência sexual significa.

Abstract Introduction: Sexual violence is a serious problem in Brazilian society whose repercussions on public health make it imperative to address this issue in the context of training in professions. Likewise, comprehensive care for people in situations of sexual violence requires the joint action of different professions, in addition to network integration and articulation of different social facilities. Objective: This study aimed to reflect which competencies - understood as the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes - are permitted for the development of comprehensive care for people in situations of sexual violence, according to the best standards of quality and health safety they. Method: A qualitative study of an exploratory and descriptive nature was carried out, which involved the application of a preliminary form on knowledge about skills, followed by the dynamics of the construction of the human figure, which consists of manufacturing a doll in which the knowledge would be represented by the head, by the skills of the members and by the attitudes of the body, in the creation of an office with 76 participants from different professions. Furthermore, a questionnaire was administered to 32 professionals with experience in the area of sexual violence and with practical experience in caring for people in this situation. Categorical thematic analysis was used. Result: Result: Challenges were identified to be overcome in the three dimensions that constitute competencies, with a clear lack of knowledge for working in a network aiming at the effectiveness and comprehensiveness of care. 15 competencies common to professionals who deal with violence were recognized, and the final product was represented in a radially arranged infographic with the organization of knowledge, skills and attitudes identified as necessary for the development of such competencies. Conclusion: Recognizing common competencies and identifying, separately, which knowledge, skills and attitudes constitute them represent strategies that promote a transversal approach to these contents in the training of professions, especially in health. Proposing a matrix of common competencies for interprofessional practice in care for people in situations of sexual violence can guide the qualification of this care and support interprofessionality in crucial scenarios of collective action to combat the blatant social injustice that sexual violence means.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538267


Tendo em vista o papel importante que os enfermeiros desempenham no processo de vacinação, o objetivo do presente estudo foi examinar a perspectiva desses profissionais em duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBSs), que utilizam diferentes modelos de agendamento (Carve-Out e Acesso Avançado), com relação a como aproveitar as oportunidades de discutir a imunização durante o atendimento aos usuários que procuram ajuda sem agendamento prévio. Para realizar a comparação entre as unidades, foram utilizados dados secundários dos relatórios do Sistema de Informação do Programa Nacional de Imunizações e do e-SUS AB, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2019. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os enfermeiros dessas unidades sendo utilizada a Matriz SWOT para análise do ambiente interno. Com relação à escuta inicial, pode-se observar uma superioridade da UBS que segue o modelo de Acesso Avançado, porém não houve diferenças significativas quanto ao quantitativo de imunizações. A estratégia para diminuir as Oportunidades Perdidas de Vacinação (OPVs) mais citada, foi a abordagem do usuário no momento da procura na "demanda espontânea". No entanto, foi evidenciada como barreira a falta da caderneta de vacinação, já que o usuário não estaria na unidade para essa demanda e o pouco tempo disponível. Não houve diferenças significativas entre a percepção dos enfermeiros atuantes nos diferentes modelos de agendamento, Carve-Out e Acesso Avançado, no que se refere a oportunizar abordagens sobre imunização durante o atendimento à demanda espontânea.

Considering the important role that nurses play in the vaccination process, the objective of the present study was to examine the perspective of these professionals in two Basic Health Units (UBSs), which use different scheduling models (Carve-Out and Advanced Access), regarding how to take advantage of opportunities to discuss immunization during care for users who seek help without prior scheduling. To carry out the comparison between the units, secondary data from reports from the Information System of the National Immunization Program and e-SUS AB were used, from January to December 2019. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with nurses from these units. The SWOT Matrix for analyzing the internal environment. Regarding initial listening, we can observe the superiority of the UBS that follows the Advanced Access model, but there were no significant differences in terms of the number of immunizations. The most cited strategy to reduce Missed Vaccination Opportunities (OPVs) was the user approach when searching for "spontaneous demand". However, the lack of a vaccination booklet was highlighted as a barrier, as the user would not be at the unit for this demand and there was little time available. There were no significant differences between the perception of nurses working in the different scheduling models, Carve-Out and Advanced Access, with regard to providing opportunities for approaches to immunization when meeting spontaneous demand.

Considerando el importante papel que desempeña el enfermero en el proceso de vacunación, el objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar la perspectiva de estos profesionales en dos Unidades Básicas de Salud (UBS), que utilizan diferentes modelos de programación (Carve-Out y Acceso Avanzado), respecto a cómo aprovechar oportunidades para discutir sobre inmunización durante la atención a usuarios que buscan ayuda sin programación previa. Para realizar la comparación entre las unidades, se utilizaron datos secundarios de los informes del Sistema de Información del Programa Nacional de Inmunizaciones y del e-SUS AB, de enero a diciembre de 2019. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a enfermeros de estas unidades. Matriz FODA para el análisis del entorno interno. En cuanto a la escucha inicial, se observa la superioridad de la UBS que sigue el modelo de Acceso Avanzado, pero no hubo diferencias significativas en cuanto al número de inmunizaciones. La estrategia más citada para reducir las Oportunidades de Vacunación Perdidas (OPV) fue el enfoque del usuario al buscar "demanda espontánea". Sin embargo, se destacó como una barrera la falta de cartilla de vacunación, ya que el usuario no estaría en la unidad para esta demanda y había poco tiempo disponible. No hubo diferencias significativas entre la percepción de las enfermeras que trabajan en los diferentes modelos de programación, Carve-Out y Advanced Access, con respecto a brindar oportunidades de enfoques de inmunización cuando se satisface la demanda espontánea.

Humanidad. med ; 23(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534556


El desarrollo científico tecnológico caracterizado, entre otros por los avances en el campo de las ciencias biomédicas, trascienden a la educación, especialmente se denotan los nexos entre la genética médica y la educación especial. En la provincia de Camagüey se desarrolla una investigación entre los servicios de Genética y el Centro de Diagnóstico y Orientación de la educación especial. A partir del análisis de la interrelación entre ambas ciencias se proyectan en la práctica de la atención de educandos con necesidades educativas especiales enfoques multi, inter y transdisciplinarios con el fin de contribuir al perfeccionamiento del diagnóstico sicopedagógico. El estudio se desarrolla con la colaboración de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.

Scientific and technological development, characterized among cons by advances in the field of biomedical sciences, transcend education, especially the links between medical genetics and special education. In the province of Camagüey, research is being carried out between the Genetics services and the Diagnosis and Guidance Center for special education. Based on the analysis of the interrelation between both sciences, multi, inter and transdisciplinary approaches are projected into the practice of caring for students with special educational needs, in order to contribute to the improvement of psychopedagogical diagnosis. The study is developed with the collaboration of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.

Rev. salud pública Parag ; 13(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551033


Objetivo: Analizar las percepciones del personal de salud sobre los efectos de la pandemia por COVID-19 en la organización de un servicio de salud mental y adicciones. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, cuantitativo. Se aplicó una encuesta diseñada por el Observatorio Argentino de Drogas de la SEDRONAR (Secretaría de Políticas sobre Drogas de la Nación Argentina) al personal de salud del Centro Asistencial Córdoba durante el mes de noviembre 2020. Resultados: Según las percepciones del personal de salud, la institución sostuvo la admisión y la suspensión fue solamente sobre las prestaciones de terapia grupal durante la primera etapa, que se revirtió desarrollando grupos terapéuticos mediante videollamadas. En relación con la variación de la demanda de atención, el 68,9% mencionó estar totalmente en desacuerdo con la afirmación de que la misma disminuyó. El personal de salud observó una variabilidad en los motivos de consulta y un aumento en la demanda de atención, con un crecimiento de las consultas por violencia autoinfligida y por consumos problemáticos de sustancias. Conclusión: Las medidas de aislamiento implicaron una reorganización de los servicios y sus modalidades de atención. Se torna importante preparar a los servicios de salud mental y adicciones para brindar las prestaciones necesarias y dar respuesta a las demandas de atención durante este tipo de contingencias.

Objetive: To analyze the perceptions of health personnel about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the organization of a mental health and drug abuse service. Materials and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative. A survey designed by the Argentine Drugs Observatory of SEDRONAR (Secretaría de Políticas sobre Drogas de la Nación Argentina) was applied to all the health professionals at Centro Asistencial Córdoba during November 2020. Results: According to the perceptions of health personnel, the organization kept admissions open for new treatments and the suspension was only about group therapy benefits during the first moment of lockdown measures, which was reversed by developing therapeutic groups through video calls. Regarding the change in demand for attention, 68, 9% mentioned being totally at odds with the claim that it diminished. Health personnel perceived a variability in the reasons for consultation and an increase in the demand for attention with a growth in consultations due to self-inflicted violence and substance-related disorders. Conclusion: It is possible to conclude that lockdown measures involved a reorganization of services and their modalities of attention. Therefore, it becomes important to prepare mental health services and substance-related disorders to provide the necessary benefits and respond to the demands for attention during this type of critical incidents.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(5)oct. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530007


Objective: To evaluate the knowledge about physiological aspects, clinical management, and nutrition of primary care patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by sociodemographic, economic, and clinical variables. Material and methods: We conducted an observational cross-sectional study in 22 Family Health Strategy units in the city of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, in 2015 among 353 patients registered with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A structured questionnaire was used to assess sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Knowledge was assessed using the diabetes knowledge scale questionnaire. Data were presented with absolute frequencies and percentages and analyzed using Poisson regression. Results: Most respondents demonstrated satisfactory knowledge in the field of physiology (60.30%) and unsatisfactory knowledge in clinical management (67.7%) and nutrition (61.5%). Schooling was associated with knowledge in the areas of physiology, clinical management and nutrition, and treatment associated with clinical management. Conclusion: Knowledge about type 2 diabetes mellitus was related to sociodemographic characteristics and treatment. The importance of health education for coping with this chronic condition is evident.

Objetivo: Evaluar los conocimientos sobre aspectos fisiológicos, manejo clínico y nutrición de usuarios con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 registrados en unidades de Atención Primaria y su análisis según variables sociodemográficas, económicas y clínicas. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio observacional y transversal realizado en 22 unidades de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia de la ciudad de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, en 2015 con 353 pacientes registrados con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado para evaluar las características sociodemográficas y clínicas. El conocimiento se evaluó mediante el cuestionario de la escala de conocimiento de la diabetes. Los datos se presentaron en frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes. El análisis de datos utilizó la regresión de Poisson. Resultados: La mayoría de los encuestados demostró conocimientos satisfactorios en el campo de fisiología (60,30%) y conocimientos insatisfactorios en manejo clínico (67,7%) y nutrición (61,5%). La escolaridad se asoció con conocimientos en las áreas de Fisiología, Manejo Clínico y Nutrición e treatment con Manejo Clínico. Conclusión: El conocimiento sobre la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 está relacionado con las características sociodemográficas y el. tratamento. La importancia de la educación en salud para el enfrentamiento de esta condición crónica es evidente.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1430296


Introdução: As famílias de crianças com Síndrome Congênita do Zika (SCZ) convivem com dificuldades para suprir suas necessidades de saúde, portanto acionam o poder judiciário para gozar do seu direito à saúde. Objetivo: Apreender as principais motivações das impetrações judiciais requeridas por mães de crianças com SCZ e seus desfechos. Metodologia: Estudo exploratório documental com abordagem qualitativa, realizado no sítio eletrônico JusBrasil e coleta procedida em março de 2020. Foram incluídas 15 impetrações judiciais publicadas entre janeiro de 2016 e junho de 2019. A análise lexical através do software IRaMuTeQ e a análise de conteúdo temática foram realizadas. Resultados: O acesso às tecnologias assistivas é a principal motivação para impetrações judiciais, com vistas a assegurar melhora no desenvolvimento da criança e consequente independência da criança. As decisões judiciais beneficiaram as crianças com SCZ, fundamentadas no direito à saúde, direito à vida e proteção, e o direito de ir e vir. Conclusão: Para mitigar os impactos da judicialização da saúde as autoridades sanitárias e judiciárias podem investir em melhor vigilância e monitoramento dos fatores de risco e morbidades; rigor nos protocolos sanitários que envolvem migração de pessoas em zonas fronteiriças; ofertas de condições ambientais e de moradia dignas; realização de cuidados preventivos com destaque para a eficiência da imunização; além da organização e funcionamento de uma rede de atenção à saúde eficaz com abordagem interdisciplinar.

Introducción: Las familias de personas menores con síndrome de zika congénito (SZC) viven con dificultades para satisfacer sus necesidades de salud, por lo que hacen un llamado al Poder Judicial para gozar de este derecho. Objetivo: Conocer las principales motivaciones de las demandas presentadas por madres de niños y niñas con SZC y sus desenlaces. Metodología: Estudio documental exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo, realizado en el sitio web de JusBrasil y recogido en marzo de 2020. Se incluyeron 15 juicios publicados entre enero de 2016 y junio de 2019 en JusBrasil. Se realizó el análisis léxico a través del software IRaMuTeQ y el análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: El acceso a las tecnologías asistenciales es la principal motivación de las demandas, con el fin de asegurar la mejora en el desarrollo de la persona menor y su consecuente independencia. Las decisiones judiciales beneficiaron a niñas y niños con SZC, basadas en los derechos a la salud, a la vida y protección y a ir y venir. Conclusiones: Para mitigar los impactos de la judicialización en salud, las autoridades sanitarias y judiciales pueden invertir en una mejor vigilancia y seguimiento de los factores de riesgo y morbilidades, rigor en los protocolos sanitarios que implican la migración de personas en zonas fronterizas, ofrecer condiciones ambientales y habitacionales dignas, realizar cuidados preventivos, con énfasis en la eficiencia de la inmunización, además de la organización y operación de una red de atención de salud efectiva con enfoque interdisciplinario.

Introduction: Families of children with Congenital Zika Syndrome (CSZ) live with difficulties to meet their health needs; therefore, they resort to the law system in order claim their right to health. Objective: To apprehend the main motivations and outcomes of the lawsuits filed by mothers of children with CSZ. Methodology: Exploratory documentary study with a qualitative approach carried out on the JusBrasil website and collected in March 2020. The study included 15 lawsuits published between January 2016 and June 2019 in JusBrasil. A lexical analysis through the IRaMuTeQ software and a thematic content analysis were performed. Results: The access to assistive technologies is the main motivation for the lawsuits; these are issued with the objective to ensure improvement in the child's development and further independence of the child. Court decisions benefited children with CSZ based on the right to health, the right to life and protection, and the right to come and go. Conclusion: To mitigate the impacts of health judicialization, health and judicial authorities can invest in better surveillance and monitoring of the risk factors and morbidities, strictness in the health protocols that involve migration of people in border areas, offering of decent environmental and housing conditions, execution of preventive care with emphasis on the efficiency of immunization, as well as the organization and execution of an effective health care network with an interdisciplinary approach.

Humans , Zika Virus Infection , Right to Health/legislation & jurisprudence , Brazil , Disabled Children , Judicial Decisions , Health's Judicialization
E-Cienc. inf ; 13(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448135


El crecimiento de la necesidad de información veraz ha llevado a que las revistas científicas se posicionen como medios de información confiables; lo cual hace que se requiera una necesidad de la profesionalización de esta labor que garantice la confiablidad y rigurosidad de las mismas. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue identificar las necesidades de formación de profesionales a cargo de la gestión editorial de las revistas científicas de la Universidad de Costa Rica. La investigación se realizó desde enero del 2019 hasta junio del 2020, por medio de un enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptivo, con técnicas de recolección de este mismo enfoque. Se entrevistaron a las personas editoras y directoras de las principales revistas posicionadas en los primeros diez lugares del ranking UCR índex (a la fecha 4 de noviembre del 2019), se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada con preguntas relacionadas a la identificación de actitudes, habilidades, conocimientos, necesidades de formación y el contexto en el que se desarrollan, estas representan las categorías de análisis utilizadas para el procesamiento de información. Entre los resultados se destacaron necesidades de formación en temáticas afines a los procesos administrativos relacionados con revistas, fundamentos de la gestión editorial, herramientas tecnológicas y el posicionamiento de las revistas; además se evidenciaron las cortas jornadas laborales que poseen los editores de revistas UCR. Se concluye que es imperativo que la UCR atienda estas necesidades de formación, además de fortalecer estos medios de divulgación del conocimiento y que se analice la oportunidad de ofrecer un programa de formación continua o bien una especialidad en gestión editorial.

The growth of the need for reliable information has led scientific journals to position themselves as reliable information media, which entails a need for the professionalization of this work that guarantees the reliability and rigor of this. The objective of this manuscript was to identify the training needs of the professionals in charge of the editorial management of the scientific journals of the University of Costa Rica. The research was carried out from January 2019 to June 2020, through a descriptive qualitative approach, with qualitative collection techniques. The editors and directors of the main journals positioned in the first ten places of the UCR index ranking (November 4th, 2019) were interviewed, a semi-structured interview was used with questions related to the identification of attitudes, skills, knowledge, training needs and the context in which they are developed, these represent the categories of analysis used for the processing of information. The main results shows that, training needs in topics related to the processes were highlighted, administrative issues related to journals, fundamentals of editorial management, technological tools and the positioning of journals; in addition, the short working hours that the editors of UCR magazines have were evidenced. It is concluded that it is imperative that the UCR meets these training needs, in addition to strengthening these means of disseminating knowledge and that the opportunity to offer a continuous training program or a specialty in editorial management be analyzed.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 22(1): 173-180, Jan.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528702


Resumen Objetivo: Realizar la adaptación transcultural y evaluar la validez de contenido al español del instrumento NECPAL de CCOMS© para pacientes ingresados a la UCI para uso en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio metodológico de adaptación transcultural y validez de contenido. La recolección de los datos se realizó de junio a noviembre de 2020. La muestra fue de 12 especialistas. El instrumento NECPAL se evaluó determinando la trascendencia y los ítems, identificando la claridad, pertinencia y relevancia. Para evaluar cada ítem se usó una escala tipo Likert de 3 niveles. La validez de contenido se evaluó mediante el índice de validez de contenido (IVC) de Lawshe. Resultados: Se determinó que el instrumento NECPAL es adecuado para su uso en el contexto colombiano. Se realizaron ajustes para mejorar su interpretación. El IVC del instrumento NECPAL fue de 0.96. Conclusiones: El instrumento NECPAL en su versión en español colombiano es apropiado para determinar las necesidades paliativas en los pacientes hospitalizados en la UCI.

Abstract Objetive: Carry out the cross-cultural adaptation and to evaluate the validity of the content into Spanish of the NECPAL instrument of CCOMS© for patients admitted to the ICU for use in Colombia. Materials and methods: Methodological study of cross-cultural adaptation and content validity. Data collection was carried out from June to November 2020. The sample consisted of 12 specialists. The NECPAL instrument was evaluated determining the transcendence and the items, identifying the clarity, pertinence and relevance. To evaluate each item, a 3-level Likert-type scale was used. Content validity was assessed using Lawshe's Content Validity Index (CVI) Results: It was determined that the NECPAL instrument is suitable for use in the Colombian context. Adjustments were made to improve your performance. The IVC of the NECPAL instrument was 0.96. Conclusions: The NECPAL instrument in its Colombian Spanish version is appropriate to determine palliative needs in patients hospitalized in the ICU.

São Paulo med. j ; 141(2): 125-130, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424660


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The relationship between spirituality and health has been the object of growing discussion. There is a lack of data on spiritual needs assessments in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the spiritual needs of patients admitted to a public tertiary hospital and perform a comparative analysis between patients with and without indications for palliative care. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional observational study included patients hospitalized between August and December 2020 in Hospital do Servidor Publico Municipal, Sao Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: The included patients answered a questionnaire consisting of sociodemographic data, the Duke religiosity scale, and the Spiritual Needs Assessment for Patients (SNAP) tool for a spiritual needs assessment. The World Health Organization Palliative Needs tool (NECPAL) was used to evaluate the indications for palliative care. The level of significance adopted was 5%. RESULTS: A total of 66 patients were included in this study. Most participants (97%) declared themselves as belonging to a religion. The group without indication for palliative care by the NECPAL showed greater spiritual (P = 0.043) and psychosocial needs (P = 0.004). No statistically significant difference was observed in the religious needs domain (P = 0.176). There were no statistically significant differences in the Duke scale scores between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Spiritual, psychosocial, and religious needs are prevalent among hospitalized patients, and multidisciplinary teams must consider these needs in their management approach. In addition, this study suggests that psychosocial and spiritual needs can be even higher in patients who do not receive palliative care.

Colomb. med ; 54(1)mar. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534278


Aim: Assess the psychometric properties of reliability and validity of the Family Needs Assessment (FNA) questionnaire designed for adults in Colombia. Conducting research studies to validate the FNA questionnaire in other contexts and age groups is important. Methods: Five hundred fifty-four caregivers of adults with intellectual disabilities participated in the study (298 men and 256 women). The ages of the individuals with disabilities ranged from 18 to 76 years. The authors carried out the linguistic adaptation of the items and cognitive interviews to identify if the items evaluated what was intended. A pilot test with 20 participants was also conducted. An initial confirmatory factor analysis was carried out. Given that, this analysis did not show a good adjustment of the theoretical model initially proposed, an exploratory factor analysis was carried out to elucidate the most appropriate structure for the Colombian population.. Results: The factor analysis found five factors, each with a high ordinal alpha (Caregiving and family interaction, social interaction and future planning, Economy, and recreation, independent living skills or autonomy, and Services related to disability). Of the 76 items, 59 were preserved, which had a factorial load greater than 0.40; and 17 were left out because they did not meet this requirement.. Conclusion: Future research considers corroborating the five factors found and establishing their clinical applications. Concerning the concurrent validity, the families perceive that high need for social interaction and future planning and little support for the person with an intellectual disability.

Objetivo: Evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de confiabilidad y validez del cuestionario FNA versión adultos en Colombia. Se justifica realizar investigaciones que validen el cuestionario FNA (Family Needs Assessment) en otros contextos y grupos etarios. Métodos: Participaron 554 cuidadores de adultos con discapacidad intelectual (madres, padres o cuidadores). La edad de la persona con discapacidad osciló entre 18-76 años, 298 hombres y 256 mujeres. Se realizó la adaptación lingüística de los ítems, entrevistas cognitivas para identificar si los ítems evaluaban lo que se pretendía, y una prueba piloto a 20 participantes. Se llevó a cabo el análisis factorial confirmatorio, dado que éste no evidenció un buen ajuste del modelo teórico inicialmente propuesto, se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio para dilucidar la estructura propia para Colombia. Resultados: El análisis factorial encontró cinco factores cada uno con un alfa ordinal alto (Cuidado e interacción familiar, Interacción social y planeación de futuro, Economía y recreación, habilidades de vida independiente y autonomía y Servicios relacionados con la discapacidad). De los 76 ítems se conservaron 59, aquellos que tuvieron una carga factorial superior a 0.40; y se eliminaron 17 debido a que no cumplieron este requis. Conclusión: En el campo investigativo, los cinco factores encontrados se deben corroborar en estudios posteriores, así como, establecer sus aplicaciones clínicas. En cuanto a la validez concurrente, las familias perciben que alta necesidad en Interacción social y planeación del futuro y poco apoyo a la persona con discapacidad intelectual en este aspecto.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1972-1978, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990436


Objective:To investigate the home care needs and home resource integration expectations of elderly patients after hip fracture surgery so as to provide health care guidance after discharge.Methods:A mixed study method of consistent parallel design was used to conduct semi-structured interviews in 15 elderly patients after hip fracture surgery. Meanwhile, convenient sampling method was used to select elderly patients after hip fracture surgery to conduct health survey with interRAI-HC(International Resident Assessment Instrument Home Care), and comprehensive data results were analyzed.Results:Through the analysis and induction of the interview data, two main themes were extracted: the diversification of home care needs and the lack of integration of home service resources. There were 25 health problems in the elderly after hip fracture surgery. Health problems mainly focus on ADL limitation, insufficient social activity, limited social interaction, clinical health problems (fall risk, malnutrition, pain, cardiovascular and respiratory problems, weakness, fatigue), etc.Conclusions:For elderly patients after hip fracture surgery, it is necessary to strengthen the rehabilitation guidance at discharge, integrate home care resources to provide diversified nursing services in the transitional stage, promote the formation and continuity of patients' rehabilitation behavior, and improve the clinical outcome of patients.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1376-1382, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990346


Objective:To develop the rehabilitation needs questionnaire for stroke patients, so as to provide a tool for medical staff to implement continuous rehabilitation services.Methods:Based on the conceptual framework of the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health, and on the basis of literature review and qualitative research, the questionnaire items were preliminatively established after two rounds of Delphi expert consultation, and 130 stroke patients admitted to the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation of the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University from April to December 2021 were selected to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. And 200 stroke patients were selected for confirmatory factor analysis to form a formal scale.Results:Exploratory factor analysis extracted a total of 4 common factors: physiological function rehabilitation needs, social rehabilitation environmental support needs, emotional/psychological support needs, rehabilitation knowledge/information needs. After project analysis and 3 exploratory factor analysis, a final questionnaire containing 16 items was formed.The Cronbach α of the questionnaire was 0.935, with a broken half reliability of 0.824. The fitting index of confirmatory factor analysis was within the standard range. The χ2/ df was 2.979, the incremental fitting index was 0.907, the comparative fitting index was 0.906, and the root mean square error of approximation was 0.100. Conclusions:The reliability and validity of the rehabilitation needs questionnaire for stroke patients are good, which can preliminarily assess the rehabilitation needs of stroke patients.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1321-1327, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990337


Objective:To explore the potential categories of post-operative supportive care demand trajectory for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), analyze the influencing factors, and propose targeted interventions.Methods:This was a prospective observational study. A convenient sampling method was used to select 177 NSCLC patients who received surgical treatment in Shanghai Lung Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University from January 2021 to February 2022. The Supportive Care Demand Scale for cancer patients was used to investigate the level of patients′supportive care demand 1 day before operation, 3 days after operation, 1 day before discharge, 1 week after discharge, 1 month after discharge, and 3 months after discharge, and the potential growth model was used to identify the trajectory category and multi category Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the influencing factors.Results:Three supportive care demand trajectories were fitted out in this study, which were the continuous high demand group (46.33%), the slowly decreasing demand group (30.51%), and the low decreasing demand group (23.16%). With the potential category group 3, low demand reduction group as the reference category, Logistic regression analysis showed that high psychological distress, low social support, high disease stage, high comorbidities were more likely to enter the continuous high demand group ( OR = 0.826 to 18.526, all P<0.05), and high education level (college education and above and high school) were more likely to enter the slowly decreasing demand group ( OR = 6.076, 4.199, both P<0.05). Conclusions:The demand track of NSCLC patients for supportive care after surgery has population heterogeneity. Clinical medical staff should provide personalized social support and emotional support for patients with high disease stage, more complications and low education level in the early postoperative period.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1250-1255, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990326


Objective:To explore the real maternal and infant care experience and needs of spouses of puerperal women, so as to provide a basis for improving maternal and infant care capacity and participation of spouses and promoting maternal and infant health.Methods:Guided by dyadic coping theory, the semi-structured interviews were conducted among 18 spouses of puerperal women who gave birth at the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from July to September 2022 using the phenomenological research method, and the recording data were analyzed by Colaizzi phenomenon analytical method.Results:Three themes were extracted, including positive experience of maternal and infant care of spouses of puerperal women (positive psychological emotions, adjustment of perceptions and behaviors, understanding of social support), negative experience of maternal and infant care of spouses of puerperal women (negative psychological emotions, poor care competence, imbalance during life and work), diversified needs for maternal and infant care of spouses of puerperal women (the need for multidimensional knowledge and skills, the suggestion of building continuous health education platform, the expectation of support from family).Conclusions:Medical staff should provide the spouses of puerperal women with diversified maternal and infant care and professional continuing nursing according to their experience and needs. Meanwhile, the family support system should be improved to enhance their sense of competence and participation in maternal and infant care and promote maternal and infant health.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1099-1105, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990302


Objective:To analyze the needs and recommendation of nurses in level3 general hospital for the application scenarios of nursing robots, so as to provide a basis for the design of intelligent machine systems to reduce the workload of nurses in the hospitals.Methods:Using phenomenological research methods, a total of 17 clinical nurses from Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital Affiliated to Medical School of Nanjing University, Zhongda Hospital Southeast University and the First People′s Hospital of Lianyungang from November 2021 to March 2022 were selected for semi-structured interviews. Colaizzi content analysis method was used to sort out the data.Results:Clinical nurses′requirements for application scenarios of nursing robots could be summarized into four themes: feasibility of clinical application of robot recognized by nurses; expected alternative care scenarios; summary of nursing robot design features; multiple factors limit the application of nursing robots.Conclusions:Clinical nurses have diverse requirements for the application scenarios of nursing robots, and only part of non-clinical tasks will be authorized to robots in a short period of time. In the face of future opportunities and challenges, with the help of policies, legal supervision should be strengthened, so as to improve the reliability and safety of clinical application of nursing robots.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 950-955, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990278


This article reviewed the concept of spirituality and spiritual needs of family caregivers of cancer patients, types of spiritual needs, assessment tools, priorities, and influencing factors, aiming to provide a reference for hospice teams to identify the spiritual needs of family caregivers of cancer patients and carry out spiritual care.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 757-761, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990249


Objective:To explore the needs of parents of hospitalized neonates with the challenges of implementing family-centered care during the Covid-19 pandemic.Methods:Using a method of phenomenological interviewing and Colaizzi′s method of data analysis, the information of 18 parents of admitted infants of Children′s Hospital of Fudan University from January 1 to 20, 2022 were collected and analyzed.Results:In the post-epidemic era, 5 themes of needs for parents of hospitalized neonates during family-centered care were identified: closeness to babies; emotional support; training about feeding; accommodation services; financial support.Conclusions:In the post-epidemic era, experiencing worry, anxiety, uncertainty, helplessness, loss and other negative psychological experience, the parents of hospitalized neonates have many unsatisfied needs. Hospital administrators need to focus on the needs of parents for family-centered nursing care, and actively explore effective coping strategies.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 513-519, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990211


Objective:To investigate the status quo of spiritual nursing needs and its influencing factors of patients with permanent enterostomy, and analyze its correlation with disability acceptance and stigma, so as to provide a reference for the construction of targeted spiritual nursing intervention programs.Methods:A total of 351 patients with permanent enterostomy in Xiangya Hospital Central South University and Hunan Cancer Hospital were selected by convenience sampling from January 2021 to March 2022. A cross-section by using the self-made general information questionnaire, Nurse Spiritual Therapeutics Scale (NSTS), Acceptance of Disability Scale (ADS), and Stigma Scale for Chronic Illness (SSCI). And multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of spiritual nursing needs of patients with permanent enterostomy.Results:The total score of spiritual nursing needs of patients with permanent enterostomy was 30.15 ± 6.46, and the average score of items was 2.51 ± 0.78. Among the five dimensions, the highest average score was creating a good atmosphere 3.10 ± 0.98, and and the lowest was helping religious practice 1.65 ± 0.70. The total score of disability acceptance was 81.94 ± 13.86; the total score of stigma was 64.03 ± 14.28. The total scores of spiritual nursing needs were positively correlated with the total scores of disability acceptance ( r=0.703, P<0.01), and negatively correlated with the total scores of stigma ( r=-0.516, P<0.01). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that religious beliefs, educational level, residence, course of disease, disability acceptance, and stigma were the main influencing factors for the spiritual nursing needs of patients with permanent enterostomy ( t values were -13.26-13.56, all P<0.01), accounting for 52.5% of the total variation. Conclusions:The spiritual nursing needs of patients with permanent enterostomy were moderate. It is suggested that nurses can develop targeted spiritual nursing measures according to the individualized characteristics of patients, improve their disability acceptance and reduce their stigma level, so as to meet their spiritual nursing needs and realize their spiritual safety.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 438-445, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990199


Objective:To understand the current situation of spiritual nursing needs in elderly patients with primary glaucoma and its influencing factors, and to analyze its relationship with self-perceived burden and perceived social support, so as to provide a theoretical basis for reducing their spiritual distress and pain and meeting their spiritual nursing needs.Methods:A total of 218 elderly patients with primary glaucoma who were hospitalized in the department of ophthalmology of the First Hospital of Jilin University from March to September, 2022 were selected by convenience sampling. They were investigated by using general information questionnaire, the Nurse Spiritual Therapeutics Scale, the Self-Perceived Burden Scale, and the Perceived Social Support Scale. And multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of spiritual nursing needs among elderly patients with primary glaucoma.Results:The total score of spiritual nursing needs of elderly patients with primary glaucoma was (30.73 ± 4.85). The highest dimension of item average score was "building a good atmosphere" (3.02 ± 0.59), and the lowest dimension was "helping religious practice" (1.95 ± 0.63). The total scores of spiritual nursing needs and self-perceived burden were negatively correlated ( r=-0.423, P<0.01), and positively correlated with the total scores of perceived social support ( r=0.515, P<0.01). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that age, religious belief, educational level, treatment duration, residence, self-perceived burden, and perceived social support were the main influencing factors of spiritual care needs of elderly patients with primary glaucoma, ( t values were -5.23-7.04, all P<0.01), which could explain 44.5% of the total variation. Conclusions:The spiritual nursing needs of elderly patients with primary glaucoma were at a medium level. Therefore, it is recommended that nurses should carry out targeted spiritual nursing for them according to the differences and characteristics of different patients, to reduce their self-perceived burden, and to improve perceived social support level, in order to meet their spiritual nursing needs.